The Irvington Club located in Northeast Portland has shut down outdoor pickleball courts

The Irvington Club located in Northeast Portland has shut down outdoor pickleball courts

Are you know that The Irvington Club located in Northeast Portland has shut down outdoor pickleball courts.

The Irvington Club, located in Northeast Portland, has made the decision to close its two outdoor pickleball courts due to ongoing noise complaints from a nearby neighbor.

Lisa Scott, residing just 15 feet away from the courts, has consistently voiced concerns about the high-pitched noise generated by the game.

In response to these complaints, Scott’s attorney, Leta Gorman, sent a cease-and-desist letter to the club on March 25, demanding an immediate halt to all outdoor pickleball activities until a noise mitigation plan is agreed upon and implemented by both parties.

The letter from Gorman threatened legal action if the club failed to comply by April 8, 2024. It outlined the potential lawsuit, citing allegations that the noise from pickleball had significantly disrupted the Scotts’ quality of life, causing health issues and constituting a form of constructive eviction from their home.

Additionally, the lawsuit claimed that the noise and stray pickleball balls amounted to trespassing on their property.

Scott, who has lived next to the courts for six years with her husband, described the experience as unbearable, indicating that it has severely impacted their daily lives.

Despite efforts by the Irvington Club to address the concerns by limiting playing hours, prohibiting music, and suggesting the installation of sound barriers, the situation has not been resolved satisfactorily.

This conflict reflects a broader trend of tension between the growing popularity of pickleball and its impact on neighboring communities. Similar disputes have arisen elsewhere, such as in Lake Oswego, where pickleball courts were closed due to complaints from residents.

Scott’s grievances have been brought before Portland officials multiple times, including appearances before the Noise Review Board.

At a meeting in November 2022, representatives from the Irvington Club acknowledged the ongoing issue but highlighted attempts to mitigate the noise.

However, the complexity of the situation, particularly concerning the application of noise ordinances to private property, has posed challenges to finding a resolution.

Efforts to address the matter have included requests for decibel readings and discussions about potential amendments to the city’s Noise Code. Despite these initiatives, the issue remains unresolved as of March 2023.

With noise levels exceeding residential limits and ongoing disruptions to their daily lives, Scott and her neighbor feel compelled to seek legal intervention.

The Irvington Club located in Northeast Portland has shut down outdoor pickleball courts

The situation underscores the need for a comprehensive resolution that balances the interests of all parties involved while upholding community standards and regulations.

Lake Oswego shuts down city pickleball courts

On the other hand , in January 2023 The Lake Oswego City Council also voted to shut down the city’s only pickleball courts while they explore a potential new location.

The news comes as a blow to devoted pickleball players, but a relief to neighbors who are tired of the repetitive pop-pop sounds from the sport.

City councilors spent hours at that time listening to public comments, exploring relocation options and discussing who to side with.

Residents who live in Lake Oswego’s Old Town Neighborhood near George Rogers Park have complained repeatedly about the sounds that come from the pickleball courts across the street.

Key Points
The Irvington Club is situated in Northeast Portland.
The club has closed its two outdoor pickleball courts due to noise complaints from a neighbor.
Lisa Scott, residing 15 feet away, consistently voiced concerns about the noise.
Legal Action
Scott’s attorney sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding a halt to outdoor pickleball.
Threatened legal action if not complied by April 8, 2024.
Noise disrupted Scotts’ quality of life, causing health issues.
Claimed noise and stray balls amounted to trespassing.
Mitigation Efforts
Irvington Club made efforts: limited hours, no music, suggested sound barriers.
Broader Trend
Reflects tensions between pickleball’s popularity and its impact on communities.
Similar disputes elsewhere, e.g., Lake Oswego.
Official Involvement
Scott’s grievances brought before Portland officials and Noise Review Board.
Discussions about noise ordinances and potential amendments.
Resolution Status
Despite efforts, issue remains unresolved as of March 2023.
Legal Intervention
Scott and neighbor feel compelled to seek legal intervention due to noise and disruptions.
The Irvington Club located in Northeast Portland has shut down outdoor pickleball courts

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