Outback Wrangler Matt Wright’s Wife Kaia Receives Threatening Messages

Outback Wrangler Matt Wright's Wife Kaia Receives Threatening Messages

Outback Wrangler Matt Wright and his wife Kaia had to leave their family home after receiving a series of threatening messages.

Jock Fleming, 28, started sending threatening messages to TV personality Matt Wright and his wife Kaia following a fatal helicopter crash on February 28, 2022, which killed Wright’s co-star.

The helicopter, operated by Wright’s company Helibrook, crashed near King River, 500km east of Darwin. Chris ‘Willow’ Wilson, who was hanging from a 100-foot sling line beneath the helicopter, was killed, and pilot Sebastian Robinson was severely injured. After the crash, Mr. Fleming began sending messages to Mr. Wright, including one that read, “death is coming for yewwwwwe.”

This week, Mr. Fleming pleaded guilty to three counts of using a carriage service to menace, harass, and offend, and he is now prohibited from contacting the Wright family.

Kaia Wright told the Darwin Local Court that her family had to relocate for safety reasons due to online harassment by a troll. Mr. Fleming pleaded guilty to three counts of harassment against Matt Wright, some of which included death threats.

Mr. Fleming was released on a 12-month $1,000 good behaviour bond, which Ms. Wright hopes will deter other online trolls. She told News Limited, “No woman should be made to feel unsafe in their own home, especially with young kids there.”

Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident, and the Wrights continue to receive hateful messages on social media. Ms. Wright emphasized the importance of considering the impact on families before sending such messages.

In her victim impact statement, Ms. Wright said she still struggles to feel safe after her home was targeted during Mr. Fleming’s harassment. She recounted how vandalism and threatening messages coincided, making her feel very uneasy.

She remains on edge in public, fearing an encounter with Mr. Fleming and worrying about his state of mind.

Police first became involved when Mr. Fleming commented on an Instagram post by Mr. Wright about the death of one of his tour animals. Mr. Fleming’s comment read, “With any luck you won’t be too far behind him,” along with other malicious remarks.

Ms. Wright increased security at her home but still felt unsafe after receiving numerous messages from Mr. Fleming.

Outback Wrangler’s Family Threatened After Fatal Helicopter Crash

Around the same time, police informed Mr. Wright of a warrant for his arrest related to the fatal helicopter crash. He faces trial later this year, accused of perverting the course of justice following the crash.

Outback Wrangler Matt Wright's Wife Kaia Receives Threatening Messages

Police were alerted again to Mr. Fleming’s harassment on February 24, 2023, when a death threat texted to Mr. Wright was traced back to Mr. Fleming.

Summary of Events Involving Matt and Kaia Wright

February 28, 2022Fatal Helicopter CrashHelicopter operated by Helibrook crashed near King River, killing Chris ‘Willow’ Wilson and injuring Sebastian Robinson.
After CrashThreatening Messages BeginJock Fleming begins sending threatening messages to Matt Wright and his wife Kaia, including “death is coming for yewwwwwe”.
February 24, 2023Police InvolvementPolice notified of a death threat texted to Mr. Wright, traced back to Mr. Fleming.
November 2023Continued HarassmentMr. Fleming contacts the family again after Australian Transport Safety Bureau releases its findings.
Recent Court DateGuilty PleaJock Fleming pleads guilty to three counts of using a carriage service to menace, harass, and offend.
Recent Court DateGood Behaviour BondMr. Fleming is released on a 12-month $1,000 good behaviour bond, with a warning against further contact.
OngoingRelocation and Increased SecurityThe Wright family relocates and increases security due to continued threats and vandalism.
OngoingTrial for Matt WrightMatt Wright faces trial later this year, accused of perverting the course of justice following the crash.
Outback Wrangler Matt Wright’s Wife Kaia Receives Threatening Messages

Key Statements

Kaia Wright“No woman should be made to feel unsafe in their own home, especially with young kids there.”
Kaia Wright“I still struggle to feel safe after our house was targeted during Mr. Fleming’s harassment.”
Kaia Wright“Over time I’ve become numb to online abuse, but this is different. I had to move and still struggle with feeling safe.”
Key Statements of Kaia Wright

Court Orders and Actions

Police NotificationPolice alerted to Mr. Fleming’s threats following the crash and subsequent harassment.
Good Behaviour BondMr. Fleming released on a 12-month $1,000 good behaviour bond.
Security MeasuresThe Wright family increases home security and relocates due to ongoing threats.
Legal ProceedingsMatt Wright faces trial for allegedly perverting the course of justice.
Court Orders and Actions About Outback Wrangler Matt Wright’s Wife Kaia Receives Threatening Messages

After the Australian Transport Safety Bureau released its findings into the Helibrook crash in November, Mr. Fleming contacted the family again through a private Instagram message using the username Darwin_Gecko.

The court heard that the ongoing harassment was the primary reason for Ms. Wright’s decision to relocate her family. She told police she was “fearful for herself and her children,” despite installing bolt-locks, barricades, and security cameras.

The court warned Mr. Fleming that any further contact with the Wright family would result in imprisonment.

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